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Permanent residence(F-5)

1. Obtain a permanent residence visa​

Permanent residence visas vary depending on the type of visa, but in principle, it is a legal visa that foreigners who have been residing in Korea for more than 2 years can apply. A permanent resident visa allows you to continue residing in Korea unless the permanent resident visa is canceled or lost for the following reasons.

Therefore, it is advantageous for foreigners who wish to continue living in Korea to check whether they meet the requirements for a permanent visa and, if they meet the requirements, to change to a permanent visa.

2. Cancellation of permanent residence visa​

If a permanent resident visa is obtained by false or other illegal means, or a person commits a criminal offense and is sentenced to imprisonment for more than 2 years, this is grounds for cancellation of the permanent resident visa.

As seen above, a permanent residence visa will not be canceled due to a fine, but in the case of imprisonment, there is a possibility that the permanent residence visa will be canceled, and in most cases, the permanent residence visa is canceled due to a criminal offense.

Therefore, even if you are a permanent resident visa holder, if you want to continue living in Korea, you need to seek the help of a lawyer during the criminal trial process to reduce your sentence as much as possible.

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